+6 03 2180 5127 oscakl@utm.my

UTM Kuala Lumpur Transformation


UTMKL has started on the transformational journey to become a destination international campus through various planning activities and strategic discussion sessions which have taken place since 2008 to develop plans for campus development and transformation. The transformation plan derives its major contents from the outcomes of previous planning activities and is intended to serve as a blueprint to guide change, improvements and growth of the campus. The implementation of this transformation plan is expected to transform the campus and positively impact its surrounding community as well as enhance the metropolitan area of Kuala Lumpur.


The Guiding Principles for Campus Transformation

UTMKL’s planning and priority setting is guided by the four principal thrusts of the University:


  1. Contribute to human capital development by providing quality education

The University will provide a distinctive, student-centered learning experience which will be highly competitive as the result of its intellectual coherence, rigor and engagement of students with faculty in the process of inquiry and discovery. The University will provide access to its education programmes to students from a diversity of backgrounds on the basis of merits and they will have the opportunity to participate in a learning environment characterised by interactions with academic staff, which place a high value on teaching. Providing high quality education demands recruiting quality academic, support staff and students who working collaboratively, can produce excellent scholarship and teaching that will mark UTM as a major provider of quality human capital.


  1. Provide leadership and contribution through research and innovation

Quality research, both within and across disciplinary boundaries, informs the undergraduate experience, defines the learning environment for our graduate and professional students, advances the disciplines, and enables the University to be responsive to societal needs. In order to continue to advance the quality of its programmes of research and scholarship, the University must focus its allocation of resources on distinctive research programmes of current and emerging strength. Academic staff and researchers must be supported in their attempts to secure external support for their research and graduate students. The University will also enhance its position as a provider of graduate research training, building on its broad research strengths.


  1. Achieve desirable image and branding that fulfills the requirements of stakeholders

The University will enhance its position as a university with good international reputation and strive to be in the world ranking, stressing the benefits this brings both to the whole University community and to the nation. UTMKL will become a gateway to the international community to help the University develop global perspectives and connections by expanding student and staff experiences abroad, educational partnerships, and other international linkages. As such, UTMKL will promote its image and brand with strong international character, and by providing a socially and academically vibrant environment, we can help to enrich the local community culturally and intellectually.


  1. Contribute to the society through community engagement and outreach

As a University campus on the edge of Kuala Lumpur business area, UTMKL can share with the city the functions of culture, R&D, business and recreation to provide an integrated and vibrant ‘city-university’ neighborhood. UTMKL can improve the neighborhood around the campus, both economically and environmentally, through the interaction between surrounding communities and the campus. We will do so by directing the knowledge and skills of our students, staff and senior leaders to address societal problems and improve the quality of life in surrounding neighborhoods. In so doing, we will work in partnership with the community for mutual benefit and to set an example of how a public university can be a leading partner in addressing pressing societal issues and helping small business entrepreneurship grow.


The UTMKL transformation planning process was also guided by the following challenging questions:


  • How do we characterize our campus? What are our differentiating unique features and are these strong enough to justify funding and resource allocation? What are our niches?
  • How do we improve our delivery to our stakeholders? How do we incorporate the need of our stakeholders in our future planning?
  • How do we control, use and develop our assets?
  • What support system is required for the change process? Is our present campus management structure adequate to face the needs of the present and future? How do we address the governance and decision-making structure of our campus?
  • How do we leverage and exploit our strategic location in Kuala Lumpur to progress internationalization? How do we leverage our location in Klang Valley to foster partnership with Malaysian companies?


Major Areas of Campus Transformation


1.1 Transforming the Campus into an international academic centre.

The original UTM City Campus name was re-branded to become UTM International Campus (UTM IC) which will be an Academic Centre of Excellence in the fields of engineering, management, business, science and technology policy, ICT, and professional courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, which fulfill the needs of the industry in Malaysia and abroad. Now, the new branding of UTM IC is becoming Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL).

Academic courses offered are open to local and also to international students, the number of which will not be limited to the 5% quota for undergraduate degree programmes. By virtue of its strategic location at the edge of business area of Kuala Lumpur, the academic programmes at the UTMKL will be offered on both full-time and part-time basis. Executive programmes for working professionals will also be strengthened.

To become a reputable international academic centre, UTMKL will have to strategies to achieve favorable PG-UG population ratio. UTMKL must also be able to differentiate the nature and features of its PG programmes from those in the UTMJB. There must also be conscious efforts to develop innovative features of teaching approaches in UTMKL.

An Innovation Center will be set-up to act as catalyst for commercialization of all R&D products developed by the centers of excellence and the research alliances. UTMKL will also play an active role in engaging the surrounding communities (Keramat, Kg. Baru and Setapak) through a form of entrepreneurship development programme.


1.2 Transforming the Campus management structure

One of the important areas of transformation is the improvement of campus management structure to achieve an improved governance and more effective decision-making process. The change also involves re-structuring of some strategic units to reflect a more effective and lean mechanism. A rather long term effort is the change in mindset and work culture among the staff at UTMKL to be at par with its end-state vision and international character.


Transfer of Diploma Programme

The major change in academic management structure will involve the transfer of the Diploma Programme under the current College of Science and Technology (KST) to the new consolidated structure involving SPACE, KST and UPPK. The new set-up will be managed entirely by SPACE and the current KST staff identified and selected to teach in diploma programme on both full-time and part-time basis, will be transferred to and managed by SPACE. The full-time staff in SPACE will also teach other part-time programmes as this will help to reduce part-timer lecturers from the faculties. This new set-up is expected to increase University’s income generation from the Diploma Programme and may partly contribute to offset the 20%-30% reduction in government’s allocation for operational fund to the University beginning 2010.


New Organisational Structure

The proposed new organizational structure for UTMKL involves the appointment of two deputies for campus director, to look into the management of research and innovation, and the general administration respectively. The deans will be looking into the academic management of their schools and academic centers.


The Chancellery will be strengthened by consolidating the major strategic units including the Office of Corporate Affairs, the Office of International Affairs, the Quality Unit and the Marketing Unit. These units will be working as a team under Chancellery to reflect similar efforts done at the Main Campus and to connect UTMKL with the overall vision and mission of the University.


The new structure calls for better autonomy in the process for appointment of academic staff and support staff grades B, C and D. New responsibility centers (PTJs) will be formed to facilitate and improve the budget allocation process and financial management at UTMKL.


Change in Mindset and Work Culture

The transformation and internationalization of UTMKL offer both opportunities and challenges as its community engages the diverse international students and staff. The changes will force departments and units to employ different approaches to services. It is imperative that UTMKL integrates internationalization into its policies and practice, reshape the mindset and behavior of the people making decision and serving international students and staff, so that new and diverse opinions and activities can be accommodated more easily. Internationalization means changing mindset and reshaping the way we do work. As UTMKL moves toward a more international academic center, it is necessary that the opportunities and resources be made available to all members of UTMKL community to develop skills and knowledge to work more effectively in the new paradigm.


1.3 Transforming major centers of excellence into Faculty status.

Four centers of excellence located in the UTMKL are transformed and upgraded to a faculty-status, namely :


The Business ad Advanced Technology Center (BATC) is transformed to become the UTM Razak School of  Engineering and Advanced Technology (UTM Razak School). The Razak School will operate as a Faculty-status with major areas in Engineering Business Management. Academic programmes are offered at undergraduate and postgraduate levels which are multi-disciplinary or cross-boundaries, industry-driven and run in non-conventional approach. Full Time students are offered with options for double degree award with International Partners. The School has strong international collaboration and academic staff comprises a blend of academician and industry professionals.


The Centre for Advanced Software Engineering (CASE) is transformed into the Advanced Informatics School (UTM AIS). The School will operate as a Faculty-status, sinergizing university–industry partnership in offering leading edge programmes and services towards becoming a world-class graduate school in Advanced Informatics.  The School offers academic programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate studies, as well as research and development and consultancy services in niche areas of Advanced Software Engineering, information Assurance and Security, Services Science, Management and Engineering and Informatics.


UTM International Business School (UTM IBS) is transformed into an internationally renowned business school that offers courses at postgraduate level with niche in MBA and DBA programmes. The School has strong international linkages and staffed with renowned professors and academicians with wide industry experience. The programmes are offered with competitive pricing, considering the strategic location and value-added services and customer-centric. The School also provides services in research and consultancy and conduct case study in niche areas of innovation and corporate leadership for industry and surrounding community.


The Center for Technology Policy and International Studies (CENTEPIS) is transformed to become UTM Perdana School of Policy in Science, Technology and Innovation (UTM Perdana School). The School will operate as a Faculty-status offering postgraduate programmes in key areas of Knowledge Innovation and in particular in Science and Technology policy studies.  The School will also conduct Human Resource Development through short courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences. It will continue to operate R&D on K-Economy linking with resources at Faculty level. Other services include Advisory and Consultancy on key areas of Knowledge Innovation.


UTMKL target up to 5,000 students of which is 3,000 from the total is post-graduate students.

In addition of the students’ composition changes, the role of Centers of Excellence (CoE) has been restructured and strengthened its role. A number of CoE had upgraded to the  school. CoE involved had identified new areas to be offered as follows:


Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT)

Cabinet meeting on May 26, 2010 has approved the establishment of Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology / MJIIT) and operates at UTM International Campus.

Starting in 2011, MJIIT will offer several programs of engineering and technology management at the undergraduate and post graduate levels based on Japanese technology in addition to conduct research (R&D) and strengthen research collaboration with universities / industries in Malaysia and countries in Asia including Japan.

Recently, the Prime Minister, YAB Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak on the 1st June 2012.

Kolej Sains & Teknologi (KST)


In effort to get the status of Research University, UTM made transformation towards KST that combined KST, UPPK (Joint Programme) and SPACE become UTMSPACE. It takes over the role of UTM International Campus as the diploma central.



UTMKL Physical Transformation Under the 9th Malaysia Plan (RMK-9)

Under the RMK-9, UTMKL received a substantial allocation over RM150 million. The campus redevelopment project undertaken to change UTMKL into a world-class university that offers the best amenities and ‘state of art technology’.


Completed Projects are:


High End Advanced Management Centre (HEAMC) (RM91 million)

HEACM building has 17 floors that originally designed to place the Centers of Excellence . It is also built 2 storey of Seminar Hall and Executive Lodging of 4 storey building involving 24,300 sqm with a cost of RM91 million. The site of the project was hand over on March 3, 2009 and be completed  by September 2011. Based on the transformation  to the Centers of Excellence, the placement of the building will be replanning.


Kolej Sains dan Teknologi converted to Malaysia – Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT) (RM58.5 million)

10-storey building with an area of 24.200 sqm exclusively designed to provide teaching and learning conducive environment for students and staff. The original building has been converted place KST and changed to Malaysia-Japan International Institute of Technology (MJIIT). The construction began on August 26, 2008 and be completed in September 2011. The progress till December 2010 was 81%.


Mosque (RM7.5 million)

The newly-built mosque situated at the strategic location in the area of 24 hectres to replace the old mosque for university community and people around. This mosque was completed in September 2010 and able to accommodate 3000 people. The opening ceremony was officiated by His Majesty Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin on August 20, 2010.

UTMKL has transformed to ensure its existence in the middle of metropolitan city and take all the opportunities of its location advantages. The tendency of foreign students to continue their studies in Malaysia and especially UTM because the campus itself is located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur cannot be denied.

Campus Location

Contact Us

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur (UTMKL)
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra
54100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Phone: 03-2615 4100
Email: oscakl@utm.my

Emergency: 03-2615 4273